Scripture John 17:18; I Peter 4:11,12, NIV Orig. 6/26/1988
John 17:18
18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.
I Peter 4:11,12
11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. 12 Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.
Purpose: Continuing to lead my people in a doctrinal study during Church Training.
Keywords: Christian Life Doctrine
Timeline/Series: Priesthood
I. Open with the reading of John 17:18. As this will be referred to later, go on to I Peter 4:11,12. Ask class for their explanation.
II. Go to display of Cel 5 (The Priesthood of the Believer and the Christian Life)
1. The Priesthood as Sacrificial Servant
2. The Priesthood as Glad Herald
3. The Priesthood as Sympathetic Confessor
4. The Priesthood as Courageous Prophet
III. Display Cel 5 i
1. Ask class for definitions of each of above.
2. In turn, show class what has been written of each.
IV. Display Cel 5 ii
1. Under above headings [are] specific scriptures that bind us to these concepts.
2. Discuss these separate texts
a. Sacrificial Servant—Philippians 2:5-8
b. Glad Herald—I Peter 2:9, II Corinthians 5:20
c. Sympathetic Confessor—Hebrews 5:1-3
d. Courageous Prophet—Philemon 8-10
V. Refer to PLA #9
1. Re-read John 17:18 “As thou didst send me into the world, so have I sent them into the world.”
2. Ask: What do you think it means to be sent into the world as Jesus was sent into the world?
3. Divide class into groups of 4-5. Ask for 1-2 sentence synopsis.
VI. Go to the display of Cel 5 iii
1. Pass out worksheet 5 (Agree/Disagree)
2. Have class work on this.
3. Check one’s own answers.
VII. A look at local Church Strategy
1. Other churches: Episcopal/Presbyterian
a. Decisions made by spokesperson
b. Sundays sequential: all produce alike
2. Congregational
a. Choice of Mission/Ministry await need.
i. Church in New Orleans turned over to African Americans.
ii. Seguin, Texas, church hired Mexican staff member to serve need. In time the main pastor became Mexican.
iii. Church in New Orleans ceased to be. Seamans’ Ministry took over building.
3. Author tells story of New York pastor in the diner frequented by cabbies. Owner kept change available to serve customers.
VIII. The Measure of Priesthood
1. Display Cel 5:ii
2. Four characteristics
a. Sacrificial Servant
i. Read first two paragraphs p. 81
ii. Commitment should raise the question, Not “What does it cost?”, but “What have I to give?”
b. Glad Herald
i. Think of others who witness to us.
1. Barber about weight program
2. Friend about radio program—Keillor
3. Preacher about helpful tape
4. Member about AA
ii. Purpose of such sharing
1. Each knew of interest in message
2. Each occurred naturally
3. Each spoke without demeaning lack
4. Each had some enthusiasm about product
5. Each offered additional support
6. None were experts
c. Sympathetic Confessors
i. Read James 5:16 on confession
ii. Learned from Sunday School class participation
1. Priesting comes unexpectedly
2. What hurts the most, helps the most
3. Priesting goes beyond “eatin’ meetin’”
4. Sharing pain, celebrating joy are rooted in the gospel
d. Courageous Prophet
i. Refer to examples of Jesus
ii. If time use PLA #10