#828                                            EASTER WEEK SERVICE


Scripture  Gospels                                                                                                                                


Special Occasion: Easter


It was the third  day since the crucifixion.  Mary Magdalene, with other sorrowing women, made her way to the bleak sepulchre where loving hands had laid the crucified body of the Nazarene named Jesus.  Memories must have flooded their anguished minds as they slowly edged their way along the rocky path toward the garden.  Events of the past week had followed each other with such swiftness that there had been little time for reflection prior to this.


There had been His triumphal entry into the Holy City.  Surely this meant the days of Roman occupation would soon be over and their Messiah would declare their national independence.  Joyously, the pressing multitude thronged around Him, casting their garments into the street before Him and chanting: Hosanna!  Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.


“He is Still the King of Kings” (3rd verse)


Along with the other women, Mary Magdalene arrived at the borrowed tomb to find it empty.


“Gone” (First Verse)—Betty Walley


In the words of John: “Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping; and as she wept, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre, . . . and she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus.  Jesus saith unto her, ‘Woman, why weepest thou?’  Thinking it was the gardener, she fell at his feet sobbing, ‘Sir, if thou hast taken Him hence, tell me where thou has laid Him, and I will take Him away.’”  Tenderly, Jesus spoke only one word: “Mary.”  She would have recognized that tone of voice anywhere!  Seeing the livid marks of the nails in His hands and looking up into His face, she whispered: “Master!”


P 118 “Low in the Grave He Lay” (3 verses/chorus)


But these were not the only persons to gaze upon the face of the resurrected Saviour.  Luke tells of Cleophas and his friend who walked the winding road to Emmaus, talking as they went of events that occurred during the past week.  Events that had seemed like a terrible dream.


“Ten Thousand Angels” (4 verses, w/o chorus)


They had heard of the Passover Feast in the upper room, when Judas had strangely disappeared into the night to keep his treacherous rendezvous.  All of this was followed by the tranquil scene in the garden out on the hillside.  How could they ever forget?


“Neath the Old Olive Trees” (sheet)


As Cleophas and his companion talked, they became more and more enthusiastic. Their words came pouring out in a torrent of recollection.  They remembered the contemptible kiss of Judas . . . the arrest itself . . . Peter’s impetuous act with the sword . . . the return to the city. . . the emphatic denial of Peter . . . and the all-night vigil.


So absorbed were they in these memories, that they did not notice the approach of a stranger.  Suddenly, he was walking beside them.  When he inquired as to the subject of their conversation, they sadly answered, “Are you the only visitor in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there in these days?”  And He replied, “What things?”


Then they proceeded to tell Him of the terrible events.  Not knowing who He was, they begged the mysterious stranger to spend the night with them, or at least to share their evening meal.


There was something about the way the Stranger gave thanks . . . the way He reached across the table and broke the bread with a characteristic gesture.  Perhaps the fold of His robe fell back, or they may have noticed the scarlet nail-prints in His hands.  But whatever it was, at that instant they knew that Jesus was Alive!


P. 114 “Christ the Lord is Rise Today!” (v 1 & 2)


Some of the disciples were completely unwilling to believe the news brought by Mary Magdalene.  And now the breathless Cleophas and his friend bore the same words that she had used:  “We have seen the Lord!”  One of the disciples, named Thomas, stepped forward and said what some of the others had been too timid to say: “I don’t believe  you!  The things you have seen and heard these past few days have driven you insane!”  Such a response was understandable from one who recalled so vividly the recent arrest and trial of their Lord, as well as the tortured march to Calvary.


“The Blood-Stained Road to Calvary” (sheet)


“Lonely Road—Up Calvary’s Way”  (sheet)


Now Thomas had proclaimed that unless he could see the nailprints in Jesus’ hands and could thrust his hand into the gaping wound in His side, he would not believe the resurrection story.  Eight days later Thomas had his proof, for Jesus suddenly appeared with the disciples who were gathered together.  Singling out Thomas, He smiled as He spoke:  “Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand and thrust it into my side; and be not faithless, but believing.”  Overwhelmed, Thomas lost all his blustering skepticism.  All he could say as he fell to his knees was:  “My Lord and my God.”  Jesus was Alive!


P. 114 “Christ the Lord is Risen Today!” (v 3)


One of the witnesses to this scene was Simon Peter who had emphatically denied the Saviour three times.  What he was seeing now left no doubt in his heart.  Something tremendous had happened,  But how?  He remembered that at Calvary the shouting of the mob had hushed only when the nails were driven into the hands of Jesus.  He recalled being blinded by hot tears that filled his eyes, while his very heart broke.   He could never forget the group of soldiers who grasped the crossbeam and slowly lifted it off the ground.  With each movement the nails tore at the flesh of the Nazarene.  Peter shuddered at the dull thud when the cross was dropped into the hole prepared for it.  There before his eyes was being enacted the awesome drama of the redemption of mankind.  And he only sat and watched.


“Rise Again” (special)


P. 111 “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” (vs 1 & 3)


“Ten Thousand Angels” (chorus only)


“Had It Not Been” (sheet)—Ladies


“If That Isn’t Love” (sheet)—Men


Mocked by the bitter shame caused by his denial of Jesus, Peter went back to his fishing, taking six friends with him.  After toiling all night and catching nothing, they rowed to shore.  Someone was standing there calling out, “Children, have you any meat?”  To their negative reply He called again: “Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and you shall find.”  Having nothing to lose they followed the Stranger’s advice, this time with success.  Nearing the shore John spoke four words:  “It is the Lord.”  Jesus was Alive! 


“He Lives” (vs 1 & 3/chorus)


