Scripture Revelation
Timeline/Series: Bible Study, Book of Revelation
Preface 1:1-8
I. The Lamb 1:9-20
II. The Lamb and the Churches 2:1-3:22
A. Ephesus—Identification, Commendation, Complaint, Warning, Promise, Counsel, Judgment
B. Smyrna
C. Pergamum
D. Thyatira
E. Sardis
F. Philadelphia
G. Laodicea
III. The Lamb and the Sealed Book 4:1-5:14
A. The Sovereign 4:1-11
B. The Redeeming Lamb 5:1-14
1- Purchased for God v9
2- Through His blood
3- For all
4- Establishes a kingdom v10
IV. The Lamb Opens the Seals 6:1-11:19
A. The Title Deed to Souls
1- First Seal, White Horse: Conquest 6:1-2
2- Second Seal, Red Horse: W ar 6:3-4
3- Third Seal, Black Horse: Famine 6:5-6
4- Fourth Seal, Pale Horse: Pestilence 6:7-8
5- Fifth Seal, Martyred Saints: Persecution 6:9-11
6- Sixth Seal, Earthquake: Judgment 6:12-17
B. Provisions for the Redeemed 7:1-17
1- The Redeemed of Israel 7:1-8
2- The Redeemed of the Nations 7:9-17
C. The Final Seal, Incense: Victory 8:1-5
1- Interlude 8:1-2
2- Incense 8:3-5
a) First Trumpet/Woes upon land 8:7
b) The Second Trumpet/Upon the sea 8:8
c) The Third Trumpet/Upon fresh waters 8:1
d) The Fourth Trumpet/Upon the heavens 8:12
e) The Fifth Trumpet/The foes of God’s people face natural calamity, internal decadence 9:1-12
f) The Sixth Trumpet/External invasion 9:13-21 (See Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)
D. Announcement of Retribution 10:1-11:13
1- The angel and the seven thunders 10:1-7
a) The trumpets are warning enough
b) The time of the end has come
c) No more delay 10:6
2- The little book 10:8-11
3- Measuring the temple 11:1-2
4- The two witnesses 11:3-13
5- The Seventh Trumpet, Covenant 11:14-19
V. The Lamb and the Conflict 12:1 –20:10
A. The Radiant Woman and Her Children 12:1-2, 5-6, 14-17
B. The Red Dragon and his forces 12:3, 4, 7-9
C. Michael 12:7
1 Gibbon, E. (1996). The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire (D. Womersley, Ed.). Penguin Classics.